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Do Bark Collars Hurt Dogs? Pet Tips from Experts

Do Bark Collars Hurt Dogs

Many pet parents have asked me one common question, “Do Bark Collars Hurt Dogs?” After all, you love your dog and don’t want to hurt when using an anti-bark collar.

I will clarify the situation basing on my own observations on dog bark collars. Bark collars have become a popular way to stop dogs from barking too much, but there’s always a confusion whether they could hurt the dogs. 

Bark collars do work on your dogs for sure.  In this article, I’ll talk about the available different kinds and whether or not they hurt the dogs. Stay tuned to discover the truth behind the controversy. Let’s start!!

What is a Dog Bark Collar 

Dogs can’t talk with us! So how’d they share their emotions??

How do they communicate their needs and feelings with us? Using bark, they share their emotion and grab the owner’s attention. There’s an interesting relationship between the dog and the owners!!!

Dog bark collars are also known as a bark control or anti-bark collar. It is a device that is manufactured to discourage excessive dog barking. It is typically worn around the neck of the dog and is equipped with sensors that detect barking sounds or vocalizations. 

When the collar senses the dog barking it responds with different reflexes. There could be-

  • a static electric shock, 
  • a vibration, or 
  • a spray of citronella to stop the dog from barking.

Dog bark collars should be used with care and under the watchful eye of an adult. They are not suitable for all dogs and should only be used with the help of a professional dog consultant.

Some people worry that these collars could hurt or upset dogs. So, it’s best to train your dog with positive learning first, and the last option is only using a bark collar.                                                                                                                                     

Types Of Dog Bark Collar

Find out the given bark collars options below and decide which bark collar suits your dog. Choose One….

Electronic Bark Collars: 

Electric bark collars are mainly used for medium to large-sized dogs. It has a customized mode and has the find feature Beep+Vibration+shock. In electric bark collars, the modern technology is Dual detection. 

People have also used waterproof electric bark collars to recharge or replace batteries. When a dog barks too much, an electronic bark collar gives it a static electric shock. 

The surprise is often adjustable and can be set to different levels based on the size and sensitivity of the dog. The sensors in the collar pick up on the dog’s barking, and the correction is given to stop the dog from barking again.

Citronella Bark Collars: 

The citronella bark collar is an Automatic and Humane Stop Dog Barking Collar. If you don’t like the electric bark collar, you can choose the citronella bark collar. 

When the dog barks too much, a citronella bark collar sprays the dog with a natural smell made from plants. The collar has a microphone that detects the barking sound, triggering the release of the citronella spray in front of the dog’s nose. 

The strong scent will interrupt the barking behavior and discourage further barking.

Ultrasonic Bark Collars: 

If smells are a problem, an ultrasonic bark collar might be better than traditional ways. The bark-control collar does not make use of scent or vibratory signals. It makes a high-pitched noise instead. Dogs will be less prone to bark, and owners won’t be bothered by the invisible noise.

Ultrasonic bark collars make a high-pitched sound that humans can’t hear but that dogs may find annoying or uncomfortable. When the collar senses that the dog is barking, it sends out an ultrasonic sound to confuse the dog and make it stop barking.

Some ultrasonic collars also come with additional features like vibration or static correction.

Vibration Bark Collars: 

Suitable for dogs of all sizes. Dogs of all ages, especially those who are small or long, can benefit significantly from this.

Vibration bark collars use vibrations as a corrective measure for excessive barking. When the dog barks, the collar delivers a vibration sensation around the neck, which is intended to interrupt the barking behavior. The vibration is often adjustable, allowing different intensity levels to suit the dog’s needs.

What Age Can You Use A Bark Collar

Bark collars discourage dogs from excessive barking by providing a corrective stimulus. How old a dog should be to use a bark collar depends on the type of collar and what the maker says.

However, waiting until a dog is at least 6 months old is generally recommended before using a bark collar.

Dogs under 8 weeks of age are not recommended to use a training collar. Since it is possible that they will not be able to comprehend the purpose of the collar or respond effectively to the corrective stimulus.

Always talk to a professional dog trainer or behaviorist who can guide you on the appropriate use of a bark collar.

Why Use Bark Collar 

Dog owners and their neighbors can be bothered by excessive barking from dogs. Bark collars are designed to solve this problem. 

According to a study published by the American Animal Hospital Association-

35% of dog owners reported excessive barking as a significant problem. Bark collars could be an answer because they give a corrective stimulus that stops the dog from barking. 

However, their uses are considered with positive dog training methods and professional guidance.

Do Bark Collars Work? 

There are several things that can affect how well a bark collar works to curb a dog’s excessive barking. It’s crucial to remember that bark collars are a last choice and should be used with positive reinforcement training. Not all dogs benefit from the unpleasant stimulation that bark collars give. Some may even develop anxiety or dread.

For instance, research from the Penn Vet School indicated that-

Electronic bark collars successfully reduced barking in 90% of the studied canines. Unfortunately, the study also found that the collar made some dogs more anxious.

So, a bark collar should only be used once the dog’s personality has been figured out. The reasons why it barks have been taken care of, and an experienced dog trainer or behaviorist supervises the dog. Positive reinforcement training, like praising quiet behavior-

That can be used instead of or in addition to stop dogs from barking too much in a more humane way.

Do Bark Collars Hurt Dogs- Safety Factors 

We are still on our question of the day to solve, “Do bark collars hurt dogs“?Pet owners, trainers, and animal care groups argue and worry about whether or not bark collars are safe and whether or not they could hurt dogs. At the same time, bark collars are generally designed to deliver mild and harmless stimuli. It’s essential to consider safety factors when using them:

  1. Ensuring the collar fits correctly, neither too tight nor too loose, to prevent discomfort or injury.
  2. Adjusting the collar’s sensitivity to an appropriate level. That effectively addresses excessive barking without causing unnecessary distress.
  3. Avoid prolonged use of the bark collar to prevent discomfort or skin irritation.
  4. It’s essential to routinely inspect your dog’s neck for any indications of irritation or discomfort.
  5. Talk to a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to find out if a bark collar suits your dog and get tips on using it safely and correctly.

Alternative to Bark Collars 

If you’re looking for alternatives to bark collars to address excessive barking in your dog. There are several positive and humane methods you can consider. Here are some effective options:

Focus on Reinforcing

Focus on rewarding and reinforcing quiet behavior rather than punishing barking. Use treats, praise, and attention to support calm and quiet moments. This approach helps the dog associate silence with positive outcomes.

Desensitization and Counterconditioning

In a controlled situation, identify the triggers that cause your dog to bark excessively. Pair the triggers with positive experiences like treats or playtime to change their emotional response.

Environmental Enrichment

Make sure your dog stays mentally and physically busy by taking it for walks, giving it interactive toys, and playing puzzle games. Barking too much can be caused by boredom or too much energy. Giving them ways to use their power can help stop the habit.


I have tried to anwer the question of the day, Do Bark Collars Hurt Dogs? Using bark collars may make you worry about the health and safety of dogs. Even though they may work to stop dogs from barking too much, they could cause pain, fear, and other psychological problems. It’s best to use alternative training methods focusing on positive reinforcement. And knowing how dogs behave and kindly deal with barking issues.

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