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Is Cottage Cheese Safe for Dogs? Everything You Need to Know

Cottage Cheese for Dogs

Cottage cheese is a high-protein food made with curdling milk, calcium, and healthy fats. It has a mild flavor and is softer than other cheeses. It also receives less processing than aged cheeses.

However, when it comes to your pup, you might be asking whether cottage cheese is suitable as a regular meal for your dog. We will elaborately discuss the advantages, things to think about, and our professional advice in this review of “Can Dogs Eat Cottage Cheese?” so you can feed your dog the right meal the correct way.

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Is Cottage Cheese Suitable for Dogs?

Cottage cheese can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. It contains calcium, protein, and vitamins B12, D, and E. It’s a great ingredient for keeping a dog’s entire body healthy, as these essential nutrients help your pup achieve strong bones, teeth, and muscles.

In some cases, feeding your dog cottage cheese is highly recommended if it has specific conditions, like diabetes or gastrointestinal problems.

Types of Cottage Cheese for Your Dog

Every type of cottage cheese contains enough protein and calcium. However, there are so many variants with different amounts of composition. As a pet owner you need to choose the correct one considering your pup’s specific needs and conditions. Here are some most common types of cottage cheese for your dog:

Low-Fat Cottage Cheese

Ideal for weight-conscious dogs. If your dog shows signs of weight gain, you should go for the low-fat cottage cheese as it will be low in calories and high in muscle-building protein.

Unsalted Cottage Cheese

Just like for humans, too much salt can be problematic for dogs. To avoid excessive sodium, unsalted cottage cheese can be a tasty, protein-rich snack for your dog.

Organic Cottage Cheese

Organic cottage cheese is made with cow’s milk that is free from harmful chemicals. Also, it receives the minimal processing so it can retain the essential nutrients. It’s a great option for dogs with allergies or digestive issues.

Lactose-Free Cottage Cheese

Specifically made for dogs who cannot eat dairy products on a regular basis. If your dog has digestive issues after consuming dairy products, lactose-free cottage cheese can be a good option for him. These are made with lactose enzymes that break the lactose in milk which makes it easier for your dog to digest and have all the health benefits of cottage cheese.

Homemade Cottage Cheese

It is not difficult to make cottage cheese at home. It’s easy and the good thing is that you can control the ingredients to suit your dog’s individual needs. In fact, the homemade cottage cheese is fresh and healthier if you compare it to store bought cottage cheeses.


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Too Much Cottage Cheese? Not Good for Your Dog

Eating too much cottage cheese might make your dog gain too much weight or become overweight. Eventually, this could even cause inflammation in the pancreas, known as pancreatitis. Therefore, generally, you should feed your dog cottage cheese as an occasional treat if it leads a healthy and normal life.

Dr. Emily Singler, a veterinary writer, consultant, and mentor, advised on how you should feed your dog cottage cheese: “Any treat, in addition to your pup’s complete and balanced meals, shouldn’t make up more than 10% of a dog’s daily calories.”

Additionally, cottage cheese can be high in salt, which may lead to high blood pressure. Some kinds of cottage cheese have extra flavors like onion, chives, or garlic, which can be harmful to dogs. It’s essential to steer clear of giving your dog cottage cheese with these added flavorings. Keep it simple and stick to plain cottage cheese to keep your pup healthy.

How You Can Start Feeding Your Dog Cottage Cheese

If you plan to start feeding your dog cottage cheese, we recommend you go with the low-fat cottage cheese first so your dog doesn’t face issues related to weight gain. You can mix a small portion with their regular food initially to prevent any digestive issues.

As a fun dog treat, you might also try making some basic cottage cheese ice cream. When giving cottage cheese to your dog, keep in mind that too much consumption could cause an upset stomach, constipation, gas, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Prepare Cottage Cheese for Your Furry Friend

Like we mentioned earlier, making cottage cheese at home is not difficult. These are hundreds of recipes online that you can follow to complete the process. Here is a general guideline you can follow:

Ingredients you will require:

  1. 1 lb. ground chicken
  2. 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  3. 1 cup cooked brown rice
  4. 1 cup cottage cheese
  5. 1 egg
  6. 1 cup spinach
  7. 1/2 cup frozen peas


  • Heat coconut oil in a large frying pan.
  • Brown the ground chicken over medium heat.
  • While the chicken cooks, prepare 1/2 cup dry brown rice in a small saucepan, enough to make about 1 cup cooked rice.
  • Add the cooked rice, egg, and vegetables to the browned chicken. Cover for five minutes on a low with a lid on the pan.
  • After that, add the cottage cheese and stir until all the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Once the homemade cottage cheese is done, feed it to your dog. An advised serving size is approximately 1/ 2 cups for every 20 pounds of body weight. However, for exact serving amounts based on your dog’s unique requirements, speak with your veterinarian.

Final Words

While plain cottage cheese can be an occasional treat for your dog, remember it’s not a substitute for a balanced diet. Stick to dog-approved protein sources and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog’s meal plan.

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